DóraTrainee in the office

It is important for us not only to work with young people starting their careers, but also to mentor university students.This year's optional summer internship was spent by Dóra Schlögl, a first-year architectural student at the University of Széchenyi István, about which she sent us the following kind lines: “I can state with full conviction that I have had the most defining experiences of my life during my time with AddVal.In addition to a variety of office tasks, it was a fantastic experience to roam “behind the scenes” of buildings where I wouldn’t have had the opportunity as a “mere mortal”.  In addition, my perspective of the profession also widened as in addition to the design, I was also able to get acquainted with the construction and facility maintenance and operations that are organically related to it. 

I was able to do all this in the centre of Budapest, in a wonderful and inspiring office environment, with the help of kind and outstanding professionals. To sum up in a single sentence, I have confirmed to myself that I am on the best path and really learning what I want to do. I have undergone a lot of development as a person, whilst gaining significant practical knowledge.I would like to thank Ákos Jilling, the leader of the AddVal design and project management team, who opened the door for me at an unusually early stage of my studies, and each of my colleagues who, without exception, passed on their views and knowledge with patience and understanding."